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Solid Wood Cabinets In Several Colors & Styles Starting at $8,950

CA Licensed Contractor #947147
Eco-Friendly Kitchen

Tips to Build an Eco-Friendly Kitchen from Certified Contractors in San Fernando Valley

by Elias Deukmajian | Kitchen

Including an eco-friendly kitchen in your home not only enhances the beauty and cozy feel that everyone wants in their home. It also helps contribute to the maintenance of a h…
Kitchen Lighting

The Importance of Good Lighting in a Kitchen

by Elias Deukmajian | Kitchen

Proper lighting is a significant element in every room in your home. Surprisingly, this is especially true for the kitchen. The importance of good lighting in a kitchen is so…
Kitchen Maintenance

Useful Tips for Kitchen Maintenance by the Experts of San Fernando Valley

by Elias Deukmajian | Kitchen

Whether you’re a cooking novice or an expert chef, having a clean and organized kitchen can make food preparation safer and easier. Some aspects of kitchen maintenance, suc…
Kitchen Maintenance

Who Can Provide Best Kitchen Maintenance and Updating in the San Fernando Valley?

by Elias Deukmajian | Kitchen

Whether you have recently purchased a home to live in or one you plan on flipping, the kitchen is usually the largest project that needs tackling. It is very rare that you buy a h…
Stained Kitchen Cabinet

Solutions for Stained Kitchen Cabinets in San Fernando Valley

by Elias Deukmajian | Kitchen

Having damaged or stained cabinets can be an eyesore. The kitchen is where you probably spend a decent chunk of your day, so with damaged kitchen cabinets, it can be difficult…
Rustic Kitchen

Want a Rustic Style Kitchen? Consult the Best Cabinet Specialists of Chatsworth!

by Elias Deukmajian | KitchenKitchen Remodel

In recent years, rustic style home decor has soared in popularity, and for good reason. Highly-polished looks are going out of style in favor of the rugged charm that rustic d…
Germy Kitchen

Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Free from Health Hazards from Professionals in San Diego

by Elias Deukmajian | Kitchen

If you’re anything like us, your kitchen is your sanctuary. It can be the place where you can spend relaxing time baking or trying new recipes, or it can be a place where you gath…
Redesigned Kitchen

Elegant Approaches to Mixing Kitchen Cabinet Materials From the Experts in San Diego

by Elias Deukmajian | KitchenKitchen Remodel

Designing a new kitchen or remodeling an existing one can be a fun, yet seemingly overwhelming process. However, working on one section at a time can help ease the anxiety you…
Old Sponge for Kitchen

How to Have a Bacteria-Free Kitchen in San Fernando Valley

by Elias Deukmajian | Kitchen

In general, bacteria and food should not mix. It can be a harmful hazard in your home. Bacteria can lead to acute illness, poor overall health, and even compromise your immune
Kitchen Remodel Estimate

Frequently Asked Questions About Kitchen Renovations

by Elias Deukmajian | Kitchen

Kitchen renovations are often a huge undertaking in many ways. Financially, physically, energetically, and time-wise, any remodeling or renovation project can be drain…

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