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Solid Wood Cabinets In Several Colors & Styles Starting at $8,950

CA Licensed Contractor #947147


An upscale neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley at the edge of the Santa Monica Mountains, Woodland Hills features dozens of neighborhoods with older and newer homes alike. No matter what kind of home you live in the remodeling process is an exciting time to update your house to better sit your style. Most often the bathroom and kitchen tend to be the most popular rooms to remodel with how much time is spent in them and how much faster they can show signs of wear and tear. At Kitchen Emporium our contractors help homeowners all throughout the Canoga Park area with any and all renovation needs for their kitchen or bathroom. Woodland Hills

Quality Materials at Affordable Prices

At Kitchen Emporium we feature a wide selection of name brand materials and fixtures at wholesale prices such as:
  • Cabinets
  • Countertops
We understand that remodeling a room can be a stressful process and that’s why our expert contractors work closely with you throughout the entire process including:
  • Selecting & ordering all materials
  • Measuring your kitchen or bathroom
  • Installing all new cabinets, countertops and sinks
All of our materials are guaranteed to last and we don’t consider our job done until we are sure you are 100% satisfied with every part of your remodel.

Start Planning Today

If you’re in the Woodland Hills area and have been thinking about remodeling your home see why so many residents prefer the contractors at Kitchen Emporium. Older homes can be extremely expensive to completely remodel so call us today and see what a difference a renovated bathroom or kitchen can have for improving the look and feel of your home.