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Solid Wood Cabinets In Several Colors & Styles Starting at $8,950

CA Licensed Contractor #947147

Beautiful Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels for Scripps Ranch Area Homes

A coastal bedroom community, Scripps Ranch features modern homes that reflect the area’s style and enhance the city’s trademark landscaping. Inside your home, frequently used rooms like the kitchen or bathroom can need renovations from time to time to restore luster or provide a needed upgrade. Whether you’re looking for a whole bathroom remodel or would like new kitchen cabinets, Kitchen Emporium has Scripps Ranch area homeowners covered with fully licensed contractors that always make sure the job gets done right the first time. Scripps Ranch

Your Kitchen & Bathroom Experts

For over 20 years Kitchen Emporium has offered homeowners wholesale pricing on the highest quality materials including:
  • Bathroom Countertops
  • Bathroom Cabinets
  • Kitchen Cabinets
  • Kitchen Countertops
  • Kitchen Flooring
Fully licensed, our contractors know that quality & accuracy are everything in making sure your project goes smoothly. We also believe in clear, open communication that ensures you’re aware of every part of the process and can always make the most informed decisions and get exactly what you’re looking for.

Start Your Planning Your Next Project Today

If you’re interested in renovating your bathroom or kitchen, see why so many homeowners in the Scripps Ranch area prefer the expert contractors at Kitchen Emporium. To browse our selection of materials or with any questions for our team, please don’t hesitate to call us today.