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Kitchen Remodeling Plan

Unexpected Problems While Renovating Your Kitchen in San Fernando Valley

by Elias Deukmajian | Kitchen Remodel

Kitchen renovation is a significant investment that can increase the value of your home. It’s also a major undertaking that can be an extremely stressful and frustrating process if you don’t have a plan. It’s imperative you plan accordingly and hire a contractor or company you can trust to get the job done right with the results you envisioned. In this article, we’ll talk about common problems faced while renovating your kitchen.

Not Having a Remodeling Plan

Hiring a kitchen renovation specialist spares you from ending up with a kitchen you don’t like. They can also keep you on track as far as your budget is concerned. Having a plan is key.

Not Minding Your Budget

Speaking of budgets, focus on what features matter most to you and allocate your spending accordingly. As a rule of thumb, cabinets tend to take one-third of the budget.

Hiring the Cheapest Contractor or Company You Can Find

Contractor horror stories are all too common. On the surface, they may seem like the best deal, but you’re often left with cheap quality materials, an extended project timeframe as the result of a poor work ethic and lack of dependability, and extra charges you didn’t expect.

You can avoid dealing with an unprofessional and unethical contractor by getting a detailed scope of the contractor’s work and pricing, so you don’t end up with cheap quality materials and extra charges you weren’t expecting. Another important tip to avoid a bad contractor or company is to read the reviews left by former clients.

Inability to Make Decisions

It’s important to have your mind made up prior to the renovation process starting. Changing your mind mid-renovation causes delays with the project completion. You may also end up going over budget when you make sudden changes. It is a costly mistake you cannot afford to make. Try using  3D renderings, as they can come in handy since they show you in advance exactly how the finished product will look. This will save you time and money.

Forgetting About Storage Space

Don’t forget to plan for storage space. These details will increase your kitchen’s storage capacity and ensure you have enough room for all your kitchenware. Failing to plan for even seemingly menial details such as shelves, drawer dividers, or cabinet expansions can be costly to add on at a later date.

Don’t Forget About Location

When planning your renovation, be sure the most used items, such as the stove, sink, and refrigerator, are in an efficient proximity to one another. Designers often refer to this as the “kitchen work triangle,” as this area is the most trafficked in the kitchen.

Sacrificing Quality for Price

When it comes to the quality of materials used in your kitchen renovation, you get what you pay for. Sacrificing quality for price is likely to cost you more in the long run, as cheaper fixtures are harder to maintain and have a shorter lifespan. You don’t have to choose the most expensive materials on the market, but you should choose quality materials that have a great reputation of maintaining well over time.

Avoid choosing your appliances last. It’s much easier to choose cabinets and countertops to fit appliances, such as your refrigerator, microwave and dishwasher, vs. the other way around.

Underestimating the Project Timeframe

Underestimating the timeline of the project can become a nuisance when you didn’t plan on your kitchen being off limits longer than you were expecting. This causes frustrations with family and home life. This issue can be avoided by clearly communicating with your contractor up front about the amount of time needed to complete the project and making sure the renovation stays on task.

Kitchen Renovation Work

Kitchen Emporium of Southern California Can Help

At Kitchen Emporium, we take your kitchen remodel seriously. We use quality materials in a variety of designs sure to suit your individual taste. We also offer free financing and no interest on purchases for six months, no strings attached.

We happily serve our community in Southern California, including the San Fernando Valley, San Diego and San Marcos. Avoid the common pitfalls of kitchen renovation and let us help you design your dream kitchen. Call today for a free consultation.

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