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Kitchen Renovations

Top Renovation Projects to Add Monetary Value to Your Home by Experts in San Diego

by Elias Deukmajian | Home Renovation

Home renovation is a popular choice for many homeowners who want to update their home. There are many reasons why people want to renovate their home, including increasing its value, making it more comfortable to live in, or simply wanting a change.

Some common home renovation projects include adding an addition, updating the kitchen or bathroom, finishing the basement, or repainting. Homeowners can choose to do the work themselves or hire a contractor. Either way, home renovation can be a big project that requires planning and budgeting. However, the end result is usually worth the effort for most people. Renovating their home can increase its value, making it more comfortable to live in, or simply wanting a change. Below are the top renovation projects that are proven to add money in your pocket when it comes to selling your home or increasing its value.

Five Renovations that Add Significant Value

Home renovations can be a great way to add value to your home, but not all projects are created equal. Some home improvement projects are more likely to pay off than others, so it’s important to choose wisely.

If you’re looking to add value to your home, here are five home renovation projects that are worth your time and money:

Kitchen Renovations

A kitchen is often the heart of the home, so it’s no surprise that a well-designed kitchen can add considerable value to your property. If you’re planning a kitchen renovation, be sure to focus on creating a space that is both functional and stylish. You can do many of the tasks yourself by watching DIY videos on YouTube or the Home network. Renovations don’t have to cost much. For example, instead of buying new cabinets, you can simply paint or resurface them with new textures and choose cost-effective but charming hardware.

Bathroom renovations

Like kitchens, bathrooms are another important selling point for potential homebuyers. If you’re planning a bathroom renovation, be sure to focus on creating a space that is both comfortable and attractive, since most of us start and end our days here. Focus on creating the right atmosphere, such as a seaside theme with a nautical motif or perhaps you want to modernize your bathroom with a new faucet, built-in cabinet, and shower tiles. By updating your bathroom with cost-effective but noticeable changes, the value of your entire property can increase.

Flooring upgrades

Flooring is one of the first things potential homebuyers will notice, so it’s important to make sure your floors are in good condition. If your floors are in need of an upgrade, consider investing in quality materials that will add value to your home that are also not expensive, such as laminate floors instead of hardwood.


A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for any room in your home. Whether you’re looking to update the look of your living room or give your kitchen a makeover, painting is an easy and affordable way to add value to your home. You can do this yourself inexpensively, and you have the benefit of watching the transformation as you complete the job yourself. This is one of the easiest ways to add value to your home, by modernizing the room with a dramatic color change.


First impressions count, so make sure your home has curb appeal by investing in some basic landscaping. Trimmed lawns, colorful flowers, and neatly maintained gardens can all add value to your home and make it more appealing to potential buyers.

Kitchen Color Selection

Visit Kitchen Emporium for Cost-Effective Ideas

Over the years your kitchen and bathroom fixtures can be subject to a lot of wear and tear so it’s understandable that when entering the remodeling process you want to choose products and materials that can withstand years of use without losing any luster. At Kitchen Emporium we’re proud to offer the biggest brands at wholesale, discount prices so that you can design the kitchen you want without worrying about cost.

Kitchen Emporium offers wholesale materials for everything your kitchen or bathroom needs with a full line of customizable options perfectly suited to both update or completely redesign your room. We are eager to chat with you so visit us from the southern California areas, including the San Fernando Valley, San Diego, and San Marcos!

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