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Bathroom Water Leakage

6 Signs for San Diego Residents that Indicate Their Bathroom Needs Renovation

by Elias Deukmajian | Bathroom Remodel

Home remodeling projects are becoming more of a mainstream undertaking these days, such that homeowners are realizing the payoff they can benefit from with just a little work. One of the biggest selling points of a home are not only the number of bathrooms it has, but the quality of the bathrooms as well. Therefore, it’s important not to neglect bathroom updating and renovation over some of the other rooms in your home.

Besides simply updating the bathroom, there are other instances where it is especially pertinent to undergo a bathroom remodel sooner rather than later. In this article, we’ll provide you with 6 of the most common reasons why homeowners renovate or remodel their bathrooms and discuss why they’re important issues to address.

1. Mold or Mildew is an Issue

Mold and mildew usually become a problem in moist areas of a home, and it should come as no surprise that bathrooms are typically where mold and mildew develop most frequently. Mold and mildew not only rot the materials of your bathroom exponentially, but they are dangerous and hazardous elements to breathe in. Addressing mold issues could be a simple fix in some cases, or alternatively could pose the need for a more serious renovation. If you suspect mold or mildew in your bathroom, it is essential to hire a professional to address the issue immediately.

2. Your Bathroom Has Seen Better Days

Homes wear and tear over years quite normally, requiring mild renovations, repairs, and remodels as the years accumulate and damages occur. Depending on the size of your family, the age of your home, and a few other factors, bathroom wear and tear can occur more quickly under certain circumstances. If damages in your bathroom are bothering you, it might be time to consider a renovation.

3. You’re Thinking About Selling Your House

This is perhaps the number one reason why homeowners consider renovating their bathrooms. As we mentioned before, bathrooms are a huge selling point in homes. The number of bathrooms as well as the quality and design of bathrooms are always highly considered by prospective buyers. Usually, bathrooms renovations can be simplified and very cost-effective, making them an excellent area of improvement and value when it comes to remodeling. To get the most bang for your buck, it’s best to consult with a professional.

4. Your Bathroom is Old and Outdated

Whether you’re selling your home or you would simply like to enjoy some new luxury in your bathroom, outdated bathroom fixtures, flooring, and other elements can be updated rather easily. You’d be surprised what a fresh coat of paint can do for your bathroom! For more in-depth renovations, it’s always best to hire a professional contractor who knows how to deal with faulty plumbing or other issues that may arise – especially in older homes.

5. Other Water Damage Issues

If you’ve noticed leaky pipes or dripping faucets, it’s possible that this is a recent development that needs to be addressed before more serious consequences occur, such as leaking ceilings, or mildew and mold development. If you suspect that water damage could be on the horizon for your bathroom, it’s best to address the problem sooner rather than later – it’ll save you a headache and a load of money in the end.

6. Your Bathroom No Longer Functions Well

Another common reason why homeowners renovate their bathrooms is because it just simply doesn’t function well anymore for them. Decades ago, bathrooms weren’t built well for function and design – usually sacrificing in one or both areas. Now, there are plenty of design options that can remedy small space issues and functionality problems quite effectively and inexpensively.

Bathroom Needs Renovation

How We Can Help You

Don’t let our name fool you – here at Kitchen Emporium, we specialize in the two most important and valuable areas of a home, including bathrooms. For the residents of San Diego, CA, our services have helped improve home value significantly and made home life far more enjoyable. Bathroom remodeling becomes necessary as time passes and homes naturally age. Additionally, if mold or mildew develops it can have catastrophic effects on a home’s structure and safety. To learn more about how we can improve your home’s bathroom, please feel free to look over our website or contact one of our professionals directly.

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